Road Rage

by Derek Morrison

William Blake (1757-1827), A Squatted Devil with Young Horns, ca. 1810.
William Blake (1757-1827), A Squatted Devil with Young Horns, ca. 1810.

Driving at speed in your insulated box
Feeling the pressure of time, your obsession with clocks
Now who are these people who get in your way?
It’s those lyrca-clad pedalers out for the day.

Why do they wobble so, in and out?
What are they pointing at, and why do they shout?
They should stay in the gutter, where they belong
The road is for you, the fast, the strong.

Let’s get even closer, let’s watch them run
Much less than one metre is much more fun
Press hard on that horn and watch them start
Then laugh out loud, as their group falls apart. Continue reading

Disunited Kingdom

by Derek Morrison

Attribution: Britain Stronger in Europe Campaign poster 2016 (

Cameron tried to heal his Party’s split
Of diverging visions of being a Brit
His solution was a masterstroke
Just listen when ‘the people’ spoke
But ‘the people’ proved a fickle lot
They didn’t do what he had thought
So Cameron is now Come What May
Stand-back warrior from Brexit fray
Now oozing confidence that isn’t real
Divorcing partners seek Sterling deal
Albion leads exit from unstable boat
But rebel Écosse didn’t this way vote
Six Counties too declared to stay
‘Out means out’ insists Come What May
So now emerges more complex plots
As Come What May faces wily Scots
And Spanish who reclaim their Rock
Because we chose to leave their bloc
New journeys launch into uncharted seas
But once ‘the people’ feel the squeeze
Cameron’s solution for his Party’s split
Embraces ‘death or glory’ from fuse he lit.

[To listen to this verse select below]

Fake News

by Derek Morrison

Fake News comes the Trumpet call
The faithful hear, they are in thrall
Wield Fake News to smite them down
For He now wears the media crown
Apprentice star emits searing light
Troublesome truths now burning bright
Only He could fix all that was wrong
For His people need a leader strong
So Russian Bear now declared no thug
Ursine brothers now embrace and hug.

And it’s Id and Ego who must be hired
While the unbelievers must be fired
Let ‘Art of the Deal’ the people inspire
By spectral author not the artful liar
Fake News press ‘enemy number one’
For they frustrate what must be done
Fake News is what His people hears
So filter messages and close their ears
No briefings here for the media club
He will forge his own fortress hub.

Like like some dark lord in his Tower
From stormy skies He builds his power
Summons lightning bolts to make a hit
On all those ‘others’ who just don’t fit
But yet it was He that took the prize
As mainstream media cast their eyes
On the actors playing by older rules
Rejecting He from different schools
And so Fake News plays useful part
A fearsome weapon for spinner’s art.

So ‘wrong’ truths to false become recast
Impervious armour against enemy blast
For He knows how to ‘drain the swamp’
Assault their truths, proclaim His pomp
Globalisation’s losers new Lords seek
For the ‘deplorables’ see a future bleak
And an ‘elite’ class sneering in contempt
Until ‘deplorables’ let their anger vent
Only their Apprentice star felt their pain
From declining futures of excluded gain.

So new narratives found receptive ears
Post-truth prescriptions to allay all fears
The Fox now shaping the Trumpet notes
Sound Spicy tweets to reach His votes
By claiming conspiracies by the score
That need rooting out from the core
Defining new enemies of the State
Let Him remake the country great
Fake News comes the Trumpet call
The faithful heard, He has the ball.

[To listen to this verse select below]

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